New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sharply criticized for attending the Ram Mandir Bhumi Puja celebrations in Ayodhya. Owaisi said to the Prime Minister’s participation in the event was a victory for secularism and democracy in India and a victory for Hinduism. He also tweeted, “There was, is, and will be a Babri Masjid.” With this tweet, he tagged Babri Zinda Hain.
He told the media that India was a secular country and that Modi had violated his oath and the Constitution of India by participating in this land-worship program. Today will be remembered as the day of majority politics in India. Modi has laid the foundations of the Hindutva agenda.
Criticizing Modi, he said that attending the event was as emotional for Modi as it was for him to demolish the mosque. There was a mosque on the site for 450 years, which was demolished by its members in 192.
“The symbol of India cannot be a temple or a mosque,” he said. He also opposed the presence of RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat.
On the other hand, the construction of the Ram temple has been opposed by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board. The Babri Masjid will always be there. Turkey’s Hadia Sofia is an example of this.