Mumbai: The contestants of the controversial reality television show “Bigg Boss 14” have started talking. It was initially rumored that the show would start in September. But now it is said to be on air in October. So Radhe Maa has been approached for the current season. Sukhwinder Singh, also known as Radhe Maa, was also approached for Bigg Boss Season 13 last year. But he didn’t make it to the show at the time.
Radhe Maa can be seen on the show this time run by Salman. If he makes an entry on the show, the entertainment of the audience will definitely be more. Viewers will definitely want to see how they go in the same house with celebrities.
Radhe Maa was born in Dourgala village in the Gurdaspur district of Punjab. From a very young age, he became obsessed with spiritual things. Then he helped the poor with whatever he earned. He is currently chairing the Shri Radhe Guru Maa Charitable Trust. A few days later, he donated Rs 15 lakhs to the PM Care Fund.
In addition to Radhe Maa, Jasmine Vasin, Nia Sharma, Nalini Negi, Naina Singh are said to be taking major star entries. The show has seemed a bit unfocused in recent episodes, however; According to the report, Bigg Boss-16 will be based on a forest theme.