Will Telegram Be Banned in India? Government Investigates

Will Telegram be banned in India? There is such a strong discussion going on in the country. After the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov from Paris Bourget airport, such suspicions have increased across the country. The Indian government is investigating the messaging app after allegations of its involvement in data theft or gambling.

Telegram Under Scrutiny

There have also been complaints that the app is spreading criminal content to a large extent. Two days later, Telegram CEO Pavel was arrested by the Paris police while preparing to leave on his private jet.

India Investigates Telegram

Yesterday, social media platform Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested from Bourget airport near Paris. Complaints were raised in various quarters earlier to prevent criminal posts (criminal content) on this platform. For this, Pavel was asked to take action, but he did not take any action. The Telegram app lacked a moderator feature. An arrest warrant was issued against him. Terrorists have used this platform as a messaging app to carry out criminal activities at various times, but their objectionable content has not gone away. In view of this, he was arrested by the Paris police.

French media reported that Pavel was arrested after arriving in his private jet from Azerbaijan and landing at Bourget airport near Paris.

Telegram Faces Heat in India

The impact of Durov’s arrest, an international event in France, has sparked further action in India. Following the incident, India’s IT Ministry has requested the Home Ministry to investigate the pending complaint against Telegram and take possible action, according to a report. Sources cited in the report clarified that while the IT Ministry is not conducting a direct investigation, it has requested the concerned authorities to investigate cyber crimes related to the app.